Building a God Blessed Blended Family


  1. Growing up
  2. Build myself back up
  3. Prepare for new life
  4. Find the right person for the Family
  5. God’s blessing
  6. A humble and Open Heart
  7. Be kind to the “Extended family”
  8. Repair the relationship with kids
  9. Most effective way of resolving conflicts
  10. Conclusion

1. Growing up

I was born in a pretty normal and loving family in Taiwan. Being the only boy in the family, I may be a bit spoiled. Therefore, I always believe that a bit too much love won’t hurt.

I was married to when I was 22. She was my first girl friend, we knew each other since we were 20, and we had a pretty good marriage. We were each other’s best friend. After my military service, we came to the US for graduate school. I then started working as engineer in EE and Computer Science field. We have a son and a daughter, Bao and Mei. My life has been smooth, simple and happy.

My father is extremely smart, capable, humorous, and proud. He was a bit like老爺 at home. He had a successful career. He work hard and play hard. He is analytical, and belief in人定勝天. Think religion is for the weak. He was my role model until I was 40. Just like my father, I was very career minded, frequently worked 60 hour week, and climbed up the corporate ladder and became engineering director. Then, I got a wake up call. I was demoted, and eventually got laid off.

2. Build myself backup

At that time, I was seeking some help from a career counselor. I started to realize my problems: I ignored people relationship. I need to be humble, and be a better listener, … I didn’t realize what he taught me were all in the Bible. However, that will take many more years, another crisis and an angel.

was a wonderful wife and mother; unfortunately she passed away suddenly due to a very unusual illness. sudden departure was a huge blow to me. I cried like a baby for couple days. My life was suddenly out of balance. I really didn’t know how to function. I went through the mourning following process:

  1. With the help of many great friends, we had a very warm and touching funeral and a celebration of life party. She was beautiful till last day. I was convinced that God loved her very much, and pitied her, so she was only sick for 3 months, and was never in terrible pains. She had a wonderful and happy life with many great friends. This was an extremely important process. I wrapped up our life together in these events. Put all her pictures in a photo album. Took that back home to Taiwan, visited all her friends and family, said good bye.
  2. Seeking help from psychologist.
  3. Rearranging living arrangements: Right after the funeral, I gave all her clothes to my sisters, and donated the rest. I move to the smallest bedroom, and turned my master bed room into an indoor golf driving range.

These were a bit un-traditional, but I do feel at peace with the way I handled the situation.

3. Prepare for new life

Since I always have my wife as my closest friend and soul mate, I miss the companionship a lot. I also got a bit too much male hormone in my body. To avoid being tempted into a sinful life, I realize that I should find a new wife. When was slipping away, she told me that it is ok for me get remarried, however I MUST find someone who will be nice to our daughter Mei, who was only 14 at that time.

After I found peace with my late wife and was ready to move on, I did need to resolve couple issues before I meet any new person. For example,

Clothes and Photo on the wall: Properly taking care of her clothes and photos … is quite important to my children. If I don’t deal with these issues before I met the new person, my kids will put the blame on the new person. “It is all because of you, my dad is forgetting my mom”.

Property: I also needed to take care of this way before I met any new person. Otherwise, it would be emotionally unfair to the new person. It will be interpreted as “I don’t trust you, so I did this and that arrange on the property.” In my case, we set up a trust, so at least half of the property belongs to the kids, no matter what type of new marriage I am going to form.

4. Find the right person for the Family

At this stage, my top priority is Mei. Since she is only 14, I must find a person that she is ok with. Otherwise, I should wait after she went to college. Actually, my original plan was to date but not get re-married until Mei went to college. I even had a bet with her. I told her that I won’t have girl friend, as long as she won’t have boy friend. I guessed I lost that bet, I clearly don’t know myself well enough.

After several months, an office colleague asked me if I like to meet a girl friend of hers. When I grew up, my best friend was my oldest sister. She was extremely intelligent. So, I always look for someone who can have deep intellectual conversation with me. My late wife definitely fit that profile, she got 2 masters and 1 Ph.D degree and was extremely intelligent. So when my friend told me 玲玲 went to 清華University at age 16, I was ready to meet her. The bonus point is that she had a son Gui, who was 6. I had two kids on my own, and I am realistic to know that if I find someone without kid, I will have to fulfill her desire to be a mother, and I will need to find someone with kids, otherwise I would have to deal with diapers and … for next 10 years. Of course, she also added 玲玲 is beautiful. Well, that won’t hurt.

We had a blind date. If you ask 玲玲, it was more like an interview. I know myself too well to know that I had better keep a cool head. I fall in love easily. Just like the first time, I married the first girl friend again

Other than the obvious, she is smart, intelligent, and beautiful. What really attracted me was her attitude toward her ex-husband. She has no bitterness toward him at all. She truly forgave him. She truly forgave herself. She took her share of the responsibility. Not until later did I find out this is what “Christianity” is about.

玲玲 is a mother, and extremely mature, so she got along with my two kids very well. She invited us over for a BBQ, and cooked for us. One time she saw Mei looking lonely, so she took Mei to her mom’s grave. They became friends quickly.

Gui went to China to see his dad that summer, so I didn’t meet Gui until a month later. He is an amazing kid; I think he has the highest EQ among all the kids I know. I always told 玲玲 that just like the movie “Jerry McGuire”. It is because of Gui I married her. Well, it may be a bit of a stretch. However, I don’t think 玲玲 minded my version of the story.

5. God’s blessing

I am a very logical person. It is hard for me to accept any religion. 嘉’s passing made me more humble and more vulnerable. I started to realize my limitation.

I didn’t know then that 玲玲 was the angel God put beside me. 玲玲 has brought many people to God. I am one of them. Soon after I met her, I started to realize that many of her qualities came from knowing Christ. When 玲玲 went to church, and asked me to join her. At first I said “no”, she didn’t get upset, just went by herself. She is smart enough to give me the time and space. I needed her company so much that the next time she asked me, I went along. Week after week, I embraced Christ as my personal savior as well. Since I saw what God has done to her life, I told myself I want that too.

6. A Humble and Open Heart

Our traditional education system hasn’t really prepared us to be good fathers, nor good husbands. Just think about the 16 to 20 years of schooling. How many of them are teaching us to be a person that pleases God. Look at your book shelf, how many books are helping you grow into a good father, good husband.

God want us to be humble. To behave like Christ requires a lot of learning.

Two years after we got married, 玲玲 and I went to a “Family Vacation camp” organized by 家新. Just like many other men, I was reluctant to go. However, we got so much out of this camp that we ended up going for 9 years in a row and counting...

I also learned a lot by joining a Chinese Christian brother’s book study club. We have studied 8 books now:

  1. From Success to Significance
  2. Your Best Day Now
  3. Seven Seasons of the Man in the Mirror
  4. 5 Love Languages
  5. Purpose Driven Life
  6. Victory Over Darkness
  7. Mere Christianity
  8. Emotionally Healthy Spirituality

All these books are helping us become better people, and become like Christ. This is the foundation of becoming a good father and good husband.

7. Be Kind to the extended family

玲玲 is a wonderful wife. Many times I felt so thankful that I wanted to do something for her. The first clue is to use her primary love language. The book “5 Love Languages” is a must-read book. In her case, she feels love mostly by “Words of Affirmation”. I need to get into a habit of praising her as often as I can. The other thing I can do is to love her extended family, e.g., her mom and her son. The amazing thing is that they become “My mom and my son” once we form a strong bond. Gradually, I no longer do nice things for them to please 玲玲; I do it because I love them with or without 玲玲. I guess many good Christians have done similar things to please God. Later on, it becomes part of us, we no longer do it to “Please” anyone, but because Christ lives inside us, it becomes part of us.

We had the wisdom from day one to know who should be “黑/ 白臉”. 玲玲 and I will take the responsibility to discipline our blood related kids. (黑臉). We also give each other opportunities to “Please” the step kids (白臉).

Since, Gui has been with me since age 6, and it has been 11 years. Only starting 1 year ago, I felt more comfortable to discipline Gui. Sometimes it is necessary to discipline your step kids, but proceed with great caution. It is so much safer to let the “Blood parent” to be the “黑臉”. Step parent’s job is so simple, just love them.

Just like 玲玲 had no bitterness toward her ex-husband. I also learned to like him. I always say good words about him in front of Gui. I also say good things about him in front of other people whether Gui is there or not. I want Gui to grow up with confidence and feel loved. I once asked Gui how he would describe himself or what he feels is special about him. He said that he is blessed with two set of parents, all four of them love him very much. I also see him transform from a shy person to an outgoing, confident person. He also recently accepted Christ as his personal savior (I often took him to English sermon on Sundays; this is our 1 on 1 time). I felt proud that I contribute to his growth, and that we have become great friends. I truly felt he is just like my own son, even though we have different last name. Sometimes people know him first and think we have the same last name, so they will call me 謝先生, I will just say 不謝不謝!

Normally, I will be upfront and tell people that he is my step son. Both Gui and I are comfortable with this. If we truly believe that he is blessed with 4 loving parents then why not be upfront and share the good news.

8. Repair the relationship

I got remarried only 14 months after passed away. Even though 玲玲 has been a fantastic mother, it was still a bit too soon for Mei to adjust to the new family. Imagine how she felt after just losing her mother, she suddenly had to face:

Moving to a new home

Entering a new high school

Having a new mother

Having a new brother: no longer being the baby in the family

Having to share her father with someone else

It is just too much too fast. Her grades dropped, she was not happy. For about 2 years, she had a really hard time. However, we did work it out. She became happy and her grades went up, she became a very responsible person. She now has a wonderful relationship with 玲玲, Gui and I.

One of the most important things I did is to shoulder the responsibility myself. Not involve 玲玲 in any of the bitter situations. I apologized to Mei and asked for her forgiveness. If I can do it over, I would slow down a bit, and give Mei more time to transition.

Again, I cannot say enough about how great 玲玲 is with the kids. One winter the whole family went to Tahoe for skiing. We were stuck in the snow storm for 10 hours. At one point we would have to wait in the middle of the highway for 6 hours. Needless to say for girls, it was a challenge to go to bathroom. Mei just couldn’t do it. 玲玲 was patient and kind, took Mei along and showed her how to do it, and made her relax and know that it is ok to go …

9. Most effective way of resolving conflicts

Blended family has more issues that can cause conflicts than first marriage. However, most of the conflicts are the same old problems, which keep on coming back over and over again. Since the conflicts are very predictable, it is possible to address them before it happens.

We put a lot of our energy and thoughts on resolving most of conflicts before it happened. There were 4 principles to make this works: Communication, Learning, Priority, and Strategic.

Communication: When we first met, we spent a lot of focus on building trust, and encouraged each other to share feelings. When we are willing to speak up about our true feelings, the other person cannot criticize it at that moment. Once we felt safe to communicate, then we can identify and work on our conflicts.

Learning: Communication, resolving conflict, deposit… are learned skills. We attended so many work shops, retreats… Gradually, it became part of us. The best work shop for this type of learning is MER恩愛夫妻營. If you think how much time you spent on learning physics or chemistry, and how much are they benefit you today, vs. how much time you spent time on learning communication, resolving conflict, and how much it could benefit you. You will understand what I mean here.

Priority: We both put our family ahead of our career. For example, I didn’t take the sales leader job in Asia. We decided to have simpler life style, and 玲玲 willing to give up her career by staying home. Once we have the priority straight, it automatically avoided many conflicts.

Strategic: If problem, keep on coming back, you should think if there is a better to resolve it all together. For example, we didn’t nag our children that they should not spend too much on computer games, browsing the web site… Instead, we set up a family study room, and put all our computers in the same room. Don’t know how much conflict this has avoided.

After we did these 4 things, conflict may still happen. For example, we had a dispute on how much money we should give to a relative. Luckily, we are very good at communication, so after discuss this and then we found out the key issue is not the dollar amount, it is the process and it is who should do the giving. Once we identify the root cause, this conflict never happens again. There are indeed some conflicts, but we always have good communication. We are willing to discuss it to understand it and then try to resolve it. Sometime it is more important to me than 玲玲, she will let me have my way. On other issues, I will let her make the choice.

Of course, this still won’t solve all the issues. Typically, we will give each time and space to have a cool down period. However, we have the strong bond of love and God. We do trust each other meant well, either we had some misunderstanding or we will try to brainstorm to find a win win solution. Or at least win and no lose solution.

10. Conclusion

I am not making a blended family seem easy to work out. However 玲玲 and I can both say that:

A blended family with God can be more successful than the first marriage without God.

蒙福的重組家庭 …十周年庆



刚刚 和元庆祝了十周年结婚纪念日. 日子过得那么快. 好像才和元认识不多时, 转眼我的儿子GUI 已经17, Step daughter Mei 25, step son Bao 已是30 出头, 去年结婚了, 娶了一位我们好喜欢的媳妇.

我是离婚的单亲妈妈, 元是个widower. 还记得我们新婚时, 我对未来 的家庭真的没有太大的信心. 两个家庭要合在一起, 想起来已经一个头, 两个大! 我甚至于提议留下我原来租的公寓, 万一Gui Mei 有了冲突, 可以在公寓里逃避一下. Mei Teenager . 元坚定的说:”不用了, 我们以后是一家人”. 他的信心和坚定是我欣赏和需要的.

从两个家庭, 变为一个家庭, 的确需要一段漫长的过程. 适应期一定有巨大的困难. 初次结婚的人都要适应, 何况我们这样一个五口之家呢. 我们那时的第一原则是: 夫妻关系第一重要, 认定对方的美意和善意. 我们尽可能找时间培养我们的感情, 抽时间陪伴对方, 我那时学习打golf, 我们也一起散步,Hiking, 又寻找新Family Friend. 元时常肯定我对家庭,  MeiBao的 付出. 我也欣赏他的耐心和细心. 元每天回家第一件事便是问候我和Mei, 他总是满面笑容. 

我们的第二原则: 对Gui的管教由我做, 对Mei的管教由元做. 有句话说: 愛在管教之先, 有多少愛就可有多少管教". 我们不要去纠正对方对子女的管教方式, 除非你认为对方管太严. 所以, 我们只宠对方的孩子(如果你可以). 我们每个人对子女的教育都有自己的长处和盲点. 结婚初期, 我们的子女都可能有叛逆期, 适应新的家庭对他们来讲极为困难, 尤其是Teenager. 所以把管教的责任放在亲生父母身上, 继父母只做爱的服务和言语. 所以偶尔,元会带Gui去买玩具,打球; 我会带Mei去逛店买衣服,帮Mei染头发;拉挵一下关系嘛. 我们跟自己的孩子常常有单独约会, 可以跟他们谈心.让他们知道爸爸妈妈虽然结婚了,但对他们的爱没有改变. 

说说我和Mei的相处之道吧. Mei那时很叛逆. 她妈妈的去世对她是极大的打击, 她似乎对所有人都很愤怒. 我其实有些怕她, 更担心GuiMei的冲突, 有好多次我是躲在Closet里祷吿.感谢主, 神是爱的源头和力量. 我深知, 这个家是神祝福的, 也深知,困难是崭时的. 我告诉自己:"污秽的言语,一句不可出口 说不出祝福的话, 至少可以不说话. 我们的矛盾虽多, 多半都能慢慢从让步进入化解. Mei后来与我成了好朋友, 也变成Gui的好姐姐. 我们那时没有把我们的矛盾带给元. 为此,我很感谢Mei. 如果我们以为, 另一半可以, 或应该帮我们解决问题, 那只是带来更多的问题, 影响夫妻的关系. 要知道, 孩子是我们至亲的骨肉,另一半对孩子的批评,都可能解读成不接纳. 而另一半对孩子的完全接纳和赞美, 是夫妻加温的方法. 心理师黄惟仁讲过一句话:"自认倒霉, 接受现实,自求多福,反败为胜.再婚的事实, 我知道我的挑战比别人多, 所以求神帮助我,给我更多智慧,力量和忍耐. 让我从再婚的困境走进一个幸福的家庭. "胜是家庭的, 如果是个人的, 其实就是"败.

我和元都是很蒙福的人. 我们婚后第三年, 就开始每年都去参加家新的家庭度假营.耶稣说虚心的人有福了, 因为天国是他们的". 每一次的营会, 都让我们耳目一新. 就算很多道理我们听过,行出来又是完全不同的 . 就好象打蓝球, 知道传球,运球和投蓝, 但每一样都要千锤百炼, 紧急时还会犯规. 任何东西, 总要练习多次才成为自己的. 有一个support group 也是极大的帮助.上帝是我们最好的导师, 他是恩慈的,他教导我们祷告免我们的债如同我们免了人的债. 愿意用神的话来互勉:"爱是恒久忍耐,又有恩慈。爱是不嫉妒。爱是不自夸。不张狂. 不作害羞的事。不求自己的益处。不轻易发怒。不计算人的恶. 不喜欢不义。只喜欢真理。凡事包容。凡事相信。凡事盼望。凡事忍耐。


剛剛和元慶祝了十週年結婚紀念日.日子過得那麼快.好像才和元認識不多時,轉眼我的兒子GUI已經17, Step daughter Mei 25, step son Bao已是30出頭,去年結婚了,娶了一位我們好喜歡的媳婦.

我是離婚的單親媽媽,元是個widower.還記得我們新婚時, 我對未來的家庭真的沒有太大的信心.兩個家庭要合在一起, 想起來已經一個頭,兩個 !我甚至於提議留下我原來租的公寓,萬一GuiMei有了衝,可以在公寓裡逃避一下. MeiTeenager.元堅定的:”不用了, 我們以後是一家人”.他的信心和堅定是我欣賞和需要的.

從兩個家庭,變為一個家庭,的確需要一段漫長的過程.適應期一定有巨大的困難.初次結婚的人都要適應, 何況我們這樣一個五口之家呢.我們那時的第 一原則是: 夫妻關係第一重要,認定對方的美意和善意.我們盡可能找時間培養我們的感情,抽時間陪伴對方,我那時學習打golf,我們也一起散 Hiking,又尋找新Family Friend.元時常肯定我對家庭,MeiBao的付出.  我也欣賞他的耐心和細心.元天回家第一件事便是問候我和Mei,他總是滿面笑容.

我們的第二原則:對Gui的管教由我做,Mei的管教由元做.有句話:"愛在管教之先,有多少愛就可有多少管教".我們不要去糾正對方對子女 的管教方式,除非你認為對方管太嚴.所以,我們隻寵對方的孩子(如果你可以).我們個人對子女的教育都有自己的長處和盲點.婚初期,我們的子女都可能 有叛逆期,適應新的家庭對他們來講極為困難,尤其是Teenager.所以把管教的責任放在親生父母身上,繼父母只做愛的服務和言語.所以偶爾,元會帶 Gui去買玩具,打球;我會帶Mei去逛店買衣服,幫Mei染頭髮;拉挵一下關係嘛.我們跟自己的孩子常常有單獨約會,可以跟他們談心.讓他們知道爸爸媽 媽雖然結婚了,但對他們的愛沒有改變.

說說我和Mei的相處之道吧. Mei那時很叛逆.她媽媽的去世對她是極大的打擊,她似乎對所有人都很憤怒.我其實有些怕她, 更擔心GuiMei的衝突,有好多次我是Closet 裡禱.感謝主,神是愛的源頭和力量.我深知,這個家是神祝福的,也深知,困難是嶄時的.我告訴自己:"穢的言語,一句不可出口不出祝福的話,至少 可以不.我們的矛盾雖多,多半都能慢慢從讓進入化解. Mei後來與我成了好朋友,也變成Gui的好姐姐.我們那時沒有把我們的矛盾帶給元.為此,我很感謝Mei如果我們以為,另一半可以,或應該幫我們解決 問題,那隻是帶來更多的問題,影響夫妻的關係.要知道,孩子是我們至親的骨肉,另一半對孩子的批評,都可能解讀成不接納.而另一半對孩子的完全接納和讚 美,是夫妻加的方法.心理師惟仁講過一句話:"自認倒霉,接受現實,自求多福,反敗為勝”再婚的事實,我知道我的挑戰比別人多,所以求神幫助我, 我更多智慧,力量和忍耐.讓我從再婚的困境走進一個幸福的家庭. "勝”家庭的”勝”,如果是個人的“勝”,其實就是"敗”了.

我和元都是很蒙福的人.我們婚後第三年,就開始年都去參加家新的家庭度假營.耶穌心的人有福了,因為天國是他們的".一次的營會,都讓 我們耳目一新.就算很多道理我們聽過,行出來又是完全不同的事.就好像打藍球,知道傳球,運球和投藍,但一樣都要千錘百煉,緊急時還會犯規.任何東西, 總要練習多次才成為自己的.有一個support group也是極大的幫助.上帝是我們最好的導師,他是恩慈的,他教導我們禱告”我們的債如同我們免了人的債”願意用神的話來互勉:"愛是恆久忍耐, 又有恩慈。愛是不嫉妒。愛是不自誇。不張狂.不作害羞的事。不求自己的益處。不輕易發怒。不計算人的惡.不喜歡不義。只喜歡真理。凡事包容。凡事相信。凡 事盼望。凡事忍耐。"



現在重組家庭的現象越來越普遍了。 在美國第一次婚姻的离婚率為50%%, 台灣每3.5 對夫妻就有一對會离婚。在中國大城市如北京,上海每4 對夫妻就有一對會离婚。 而且有急起直追美國的趨勢。在美國第二次婚姻的失敗率高達75%%,大部分原因是孩子教養的問題﹐因為重組家庭里面還有著延伸家庭 (extended family )复雜敏感的成員;有前夫,前妻,孩子可能還分你的我的,甚至我們的。是否能夠和平共處,需要運用智慧,而良好的人際關系占著舉足輕重的影響。

我在很自然的情況下成為倆個孩子的后母。他們管我叫做 "Auntie Becky"。養子十歲,養女八歲就搬來与我同住了。那時一來他們不習慣叫我媽媽,二來我認為本來我就不是他們的親媽媽,而且我也不想取代他們的親媽媽,更不想因為名稱的關系使得他們的媽媽感受到威脅。由於我本身有安全感,不需要爭名稱,所以我欣然接受 "Auntie Becky" 的叫法。

後母除了肩負媽媽無微不至照顧自己孩子的責任, 還要兼顧養子女的生活起居和管教, 而且這些孩子大多帶著父母离异的心理包袱,因為在我所見所聞和親身經歷下平安無事的离婚是屬於鳳毛麟角的。

以下几點是我教養兩個養子女和我自己与前夫所生的女儿20年累積的經驗,希望与有類似情形或者准備進入重組家庭 的後母們分享:

1。 心里徹徹底底的接受“Package Deal"。

每一個人進入婚姻關系多多少少會帶著一些包袱, 尤其再婚的時候這個包袱比較重也比較大。預備做一個成功的阿姨媽媽必需要能夠先將心理建設好,全盤接受對方所帶進的包袱。凡事都是一體倆面的;与其讓煩惱,憤怒,恐慌或焦慮充滿自己,不如換一個角度對待這個不可改變的事實。

如果養子女對後母有所排斥, 例如有些孩子心眼特別多,一開始他們會跟你別苗頭,輕則与你在爸爸面前爭寵,搶注意力;重則可能會有挑撥与破坏的舉動。你不需要感到气餒,或是輕言放棄。這時的你一定要穩住自己的陣腳,不能被他們打敗或者得逞。 他們越要排擠你, 你就越喜歡擠進他們的圈子。 你以很自然的態度 (這時臉皮不妨厚一點) 加入他們,久而久之他們習慣每個場合都有你的出現,漸漸的,他們會很自然的接受你的。

剛剛開始我的養子很快的就跟我很要好,而他的妹妹就時時有些小動作。我記得有次我們四個人在購物中心逛街,儿子走在我們的前面,女儿卻從后面沖到我們的中間,將我与我先生緊握的雙手硬是拔開,自己去握他爸爸的手。一開始我的想法是:這個小鬼心眼真多,來搶她爸爸的手,本來想加快走路的速度,走到前面,不稀罕他們!念頭一轉,我為什么要上當? 她就是要試探我,想把我气走, 於是乎我心平气和,將她把我拉開的右手去握住她的左手,她沒料到我會如此做,我感覺到她要掙脫我的手,我卻緊握著不放。小孩沒輒,只好讓左手給我握著,右手給她親愛的爸爸。 我若無其事地走著繼續跟她爸爸聊天,過一會儿,她覺得一點都不好玩,自動脫開我們的手,跑到前面去跟哥哥玩了。

從此以后她再沒玩過這個把戲了。如果你被她气到,自己生悶气多划不來,因為這點小事与先生鬧的不開心,小孩發覺這招很管用,下次再試!外人看在眼里會覺得你怎么与孩子一般見識,不了解的人可能還會覺得你沒愛心!那你又中計又被冤枉,真是啞巴吃黃連, 有苦說不出!

2。 不要希望取代親生母親的想法

我認為做一個成功的後媽首先要放棄想要取代親生母親的想法, 一切順其自然。 不論親生母親是否健在,有沒有在身邊, 或者能不能盡到母親的責任,基於血緣的關系, 孩子畢竟是她們怀胎十月,從她們的肚子里蹦出來的,血濃於水的關系是分不開的。也許她們已經盡了全力,也許她們身不由己,孩子變成需要你全職或半職的照顧。這時的你本著“愛屋及烏”及人類原始的愛心, 必需負起後母的責任。


曾經有朋友問我既然我所做的比他們親生媽媽還要多,為什么不堅持讓孩子叫我媽媽?我的答案很簡單:“因為我不是!”在這件事上我覺得沒有標准答案, 可能要因情形而异。 假如孩子還小,可以很容易叫你媽媽,而你先生的前妻又不反對的話,那順其自然讓孩子叫你媽媽。如果孩子夠大了,也有點懂事,你可以与他們商量,問他們喜歡叫你甚么,你也可以表示你喜歡的稱呼,如果他們有點抗拒,加上親生媽媽非常的敏感,不必把關系搞得更緊張,不如叫阿姨還來得自然。


我覺得“沒有期望就沒有失望”這句話在這件事上滿貼切的, 在沒有期望的情況下盡心去照顧与關愛他們,可能有意外的惊喜!


我開始的時候比較不敢嚴厲的管教和處罰養子女。 我認為他們在父母失婚的陰影下心理留下了創傷,我只想用慈愛來給他們溫暖,給他們安全感,建立他們的自信心, 因為很多孩子會覺得父母离婚与他們有關而自覺有罪, 也的确有些父母會把責任推給孩子,把罪惡感加諸於孩子的身上,看到這种情形我會覺得非常的心痛。

所以我盡量找机會贊美与鼓勵他們,支持与信任他們。雖然那時我還不了解人与人之間感情帳戶的道理;后來學會這個感情帳戶跟銀行帳戶一樣,需要存款才能取款。禮貌,誠實,仁慈,信用,贊美,鼓勵,支持和信任都是能夠增進感情帳戶里的存款。反之,批評,嘮叨,粗魯,輕蔑,威逼与失信, 或者要對方听你的話時,這些情況都是會降低感情帳戶的余額。

開始時,每當三個孩子犯同樣的錯,我只敢責罰我自己的女儿,但是孩子都是敏感的, 等到我的女儿對我抗議無效,轉而向我的姐姐和朋友訴苦,幸虧他們提醒我,我才大夢初醒,赶緊改變作風,真正的做到一視同仁的地步。幸好我以前一路都在与孩子的感情帳戶里儲蓄愛的存款,需要管教他們的時候,他們都很甘心受教。只要平常在感情帳戶有儲蓄的好習慣,而且對孩子的管教孩子方式前后一致賞罰分明,要他們听話或他們犯錯處罰時,他們都會以乖巧的方式回應。


我覺得這點也很适合用在自己親生的子女上。很幸運的, 在這方面 神 一樣的給与我智慧和力量,讓我在三個孩子成長的過程中能用心去體會,去思考,去學習如何与他們相處。


生活中還有一些大決定例如買房子搬家也要跟孩子溝通,給他們有充分的心理准備。如果他們喜歡原來自己的房間,或者舍不得离開鄰居和學校的好朋友,這時你就要運用一點智慧与技巧。不妨帶他們看新的房子,指出新房的优點,尤其与孩子有關的地方,例如新家有游泳池或者他們的房間比舊家大等等。誠懇地与他們商量,并且解釋需要搬家的理由。 不可以認為小孩子不懂事,不必与他們商討。

曾經有個四十歲的老師跟我埋怨說她初中時,有次下課回家發現門口插了個“For Sale" (待售) 的牌子。她到現在還無法原諒她的父母不事先通知她,發現時的震惊与憤怒讓她到現在還耿耿於怀。

有些大人認為小事情,對孩子的幼小心靈來說卻是很嚴重的大事, 如果處理不好,可能留下創傷,有些傷痕沒有得到醫治,甚至到中年還會顯出后遺症。


5。 保持良好的幽默感




“親愛的,你快來喲,不得了了! 你的孩子和我的孩子在打我們的孩子!”


記得在我受不了快要崩潰時, 神 藉著圣經和一些基督教的電視節目适時地告訴我一個重組家庭需要時間,大部分需要三到五年的時間來調整,非常复雜的情形需要更長的時間才能變成像一個正常的家庭一般。那時的我才了解到我太緊張了,問題其實是出在我的身上。就算是全部都是同父同母所生的孩子,在一起也是會打打鬧鬧的。后來他們再吵架時,我會回我的房間,把房門鎖好,把電視開得很大聲,專心看我的電視,或者去洗個熱水澡,輕松一下。等我出來后,大部分時候會發現他們吵完了,若無其事地又繼續在一起玩耍了。
